AEA comments on FAA's Part 145 'current data' NPRM

On May 1, the AEA and three other trade associations submitted joint comments on the FAA’s notice of proposed rulemaking addressing “miscellaneous maintenance-related updates.” The NPRM would remove the requirement from § 145.109 that repair stations maintain “current and accessible” versions of certain documents and data; it would also clarify language in §§ 145.201 and 145.217 regarding the privilege of contracting maintenance functions.

The industry group praised the FAA’s proposal, noting “[the] agency and industry have struggled with inconsistent language within Part 145 for many years. The comments highlighted several points in Part 145 the rulemaking can also amend to improve consistency and clarity. These edits would align the responsibilities of applicants and certificate holders regarding data availability and also match the standard in § 43.9(a)(4) that maintenance providers approve only the work performed on an article for return to service. In addition to the AEA, the submission was supported by the Aeronautical Repair Station Association, the Aviation Suppliers Association, and the Modification and Replacement Parts Association.

To read the comments, click here.

Contact Ric Peri, AEA vice president of government and industry affairs, by email at or by phone at 202-589-1144.
